Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fun weekend; sick kid

I had a wonderful weekend away with the women in my church.  Lots of fun, lots of rain, lots of FOOD!  Very little sleep...
I come home, pay the exhausted babysitter, note with dismay that my foster daughter only slept an hour, plug her into a Strawberry Shortcake movie (the theme song of which I'm sure I could sing in my sleep -- come to think of it, I have sung it in my sleep!), and fall on the couch for a brief catnap.  Then... rustle, rustle, rustle...  My son had an Easter egg hunt at church this morning.  (Isn't Easter still a week away?!)
Me: "No more candy."
He turns around and looks at me woefully.  Oh no...  You know that glassy-eyed look?  The one that children get when they have a fever of 103?  The one that says, "Sorry, Mom, you'll have to take yet another sick day off school"?  Yes, that one.  I don't really mind days off of school.  It's only that it's so hard to prep for a sub.  And I go stir crazy at home, wondering what my little terrors darlings are doing to the dear sub.  And my computer froze up twice in the middle of writing my sub plans.  And, did I mention?, this week is school-wide achievement testing, which messes up everyone's schedules.
So now it's 11:30 p.m. and I've had to retype every other word of this because I'm so bleary-eyed.  Good night!


  1. I thought you were going to say it was the look that says, "I'm gonna puke" Glad it wasn't that look and hope everyone is feeling better soon. This is a big week for us as we make contact with the bio mom with our idea...We'll keep you posted!

  2. Hope he gets feeling better, and that everyone else stays well. Am subbing tomorrow in a 3rd grade class.
