Monday, July 25, 2011

Songs of the Store

We took Brooklynn shopping while at the beach and lived to regret every moment!  I'm sure the folks in Goodwill were ready to call Children's Services:  "Mom!  You're hurting my hand!  Let go!  Waaahaaaa!  Mo-o-o-o-o-o-om!"  (Note to DHS workers who may be reading this blog: I was holding her hand loosely; the problem was that she was throwing herself on the ground while I was holding her hand.)

Once we got home, she had a cup of milk and went straight to bed where she composed her latest song:
"We went to the store,
And I cried, cried, cried.
And tomorrow we'll go to the store,
And I'll cry, cry, cry.
It doesn't matter,
I'll just cry, cry, cry.
When I'm hurt
I cry, cry, cry.
Sometimes when I'm not hurt,
I still cry, cry, cry."

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