Friday, July 1, 2011

Well, I guess it was good exercise...

After spending two weeks digging out a sprinkler pipe trench 20 feet long and 8 inches deep, I visited Home Depot to find sprinkler heads.  Did you know they make sprinkler heads that rotate and fan out to cover a huge area?  They're terrific.  All you do is screw them onto the existing sprinkler system (note: not the pipe that you spent two weeks digging a trench for) and they fan out to cover the entire area needed.  I don't know whether to regret the wasted two weeks of digging, or to rejoice that I found a short cut to the project.

Next on my list for the summer:
  1. Buy a camera to record all the work I really am doing while I'm not washing dishes or clothes, bathing the children, cooking meals, vacuuming, mopping, or doing any of the other boring housework that's always here.
  2. Rake aside all the big gravel chunks in my yard, digging up buried soldiers and dinosaurs in the process -- plastic ones, not real.  If I had real dinosaurs in my yard, I guess I couldn't put in a lawn.  Same for real soldiers, I imagine.
  3. Pull every last weed.  Convince Brooklynn to help pull a weed or two each day.
  4. Spread topsoil.  Respread topsoil after Derrick and his friend across the street turn it into a jump for their bikes.
  5. Lay sod.  Any volunteers??
  6. Edge driveway.
  7. Spread gravel on driveway to replace the gravel that Brooklynn throws into the street during her tantrums.
  8. Finish painting trim in bedroom (with trim paint this time, instead of the exterior paint accidentally used).
  9. Paint trim throughout house.  It's about time to cover up all the plastic-covered cardboard that passes for "wood" in this house.
  10. Mend the holes in my wall.
  11. Lay a new kitchen floor.  It's difficult walking around with no floor to stand on...
  12. Paint the kitchen cabinets a color that will look good on my dog.  (This week he is black with white accents.  Last summer he was black with green accents.  Black pretty much goes with everything.)
  13. Rejoice if I get even half of what I plan done.

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